Summer Love Night
This Lesson is copyrighted
to the Tut Writer, ©C esamu2013 and is used with permission by Stepping- Stones
–Through-PSP Yahoo Group. This Lesson may not be forwarded, shared or otherwise
placed on any Web Site without written permission from ©Esamu.
SSTPSP may with my permission, use this tutorial
in Our Retreat
Supplies HERE
What you will need: Paint Shop Pro 8, the trial Version can be
downloaded fromHERE
Plugins: Andrew’s 8 Filter, can be downloaded from HERE
The Graphic I’m using for this tutorial can be founded and downloaded from HERE
The tube and the corner is from my Friend Sysy’s Blog, you can visit her
The Gradient I’m using can be founded and downloaded from HERE
The Baroque Script Font can be downloaded from HERE
Font Runner download from HERE
Unzip the Supplies, put the silver Gradient into your Gradient
Open both images and the corner in PSP. Duplicate the boat sunset
Graphic, close the original. Minimize the pspimage and the corner . Open Font
with Font Runner.
This tutorial was create in PSP 8 Version, but can also made in
the other Versions.
Let’s start
Step 1. Activate the boat sunset Image, Edit –Copy and Paste as a
new Image, minimize the copy for now, we will use it later.
Step 2. Activate the 0part07
psimage , Edit –Copy , Paste as a New Layer on your working Image, move it to
the left corner of your background.
Step 3.Image –Mirror, Duplicate
this Layer and move it to the middle on your Background.
Step 4. Select the Eraser Tool and
use the following settings:
Round, Size = 15
Hardness= 50
Step= 10
Density= 100
Thickness= 100
Rotation= 0
Opacity= 100
Step 5. Close the Raster 1 Layer,activate the Copy Raster Layer,
and erase the parts of the tube, see the example.
Stay on the Copy Raster, Image-Resize 90% All Layers not checked,
change the Opacity to 42, open Raster 1, you should have something like this
Step 6. On Layer Palette change the Opacity to 72% on Raster 1.
Step 7. Take the Dropper Tool to choose color from your Image for
Foreground light and a darker color for the Background, or you can use my
Foreground = d4b775
Background= 3c1900
Step 8. Image Add Borders , 1 pix Foreground color, Image Add
Borders, 2 pix White.
Step 9. Select from the Toolbar the Magic Wand, using these
Mode- Replace, Match mode –RGB Value, Tolerance 0, Anti-alias
Step 10. Click in
the Border, select the Flood Fill Tool, to fill with Gradient.
Step 11. Change Foreground to Gradient tab on Materials Palette,
find the ESPlatinum Gradient, use this settings below:
Linear , Angle 134, Repeats 2
Step 12. Selections- Select none.
Step 13. Image Add Borders 1 pix Foreground.
Step 14. Activate the minimized Image, Edit Copy.
Step 15. Back to working Image, Add Borders 20 pix White color (
All borders Symmetric checked)
Step 16. Select with the Magic Wand the White border , Edit Paste
into Selection, keep selected.
Step 17. Effects- Plugins- Andrew’s 8 Filter – Solar Dream use
these settings:
Red Ch= 154
Green Ch= 51
Blue Ch=166
Green Fac.= 9
BlueFac= 30
Negative= 29
OnOff= 255
Selections- Select none
Step 18. From the Tool bar select Text Tool
(A), find the Baroque Script font, Size 24, Vector, Stroke 1.0, Anti-alias checked
On Materials Palette change
Foreground to Gradient, Background is the light color. Type the text “ Summer
Night Love” on Layer Palette Convert to Raster Layer.
Step 19. Effects-3D – Drop Shadow
with these settings:
V-H = 2
Opacity = 100
Blur= 5
Color= Black
Repeat Drop Shadow but change V-H
to – 2
Layers Merge Visible.
Step 20. Open up the corner , Edit Copy, Paste as a New Layer on
your working Image, you can close the corner now.
Step 21. Image –Resize Width and Height= 90%, All Layers not
checked, Bicubic.
Step 22. Move it up to the left corner on your working Image,
Layers- Duplicate,Image –Mirror, Layers Duplicate, Image –Flip,Layers
Duplicate, Image –Mirror.
Step 23. Close off the Background Layer, activate the top Layer,
Layers-Merge Visible.
Step 24. Effects- Inner Bevel use these settings:
Bevel No. 8
Width= 4
Smoothness =0
Ambience= 0
Shininess= 0
Angle= 315
Intensity= 50
Color= Foreground
Open the Background Layer.
New Raster Layer, add your watermark, Layers Merge All Flatten.
I hope you can follow my tutorial.